Daytona, Florida Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is something no couple expects to face when they take their marriage vows; unfortunately, it is all too common - many marriages end in divorce, whether spouses have been together for a short time, or even decades. Divorcing is one of the most stressful, devastating things you can face, particularly when children are involved or the marriage is one of many years. It is vital to work with a Daytona Beach divorce attorney who has your best interests at heart, and will protect your legal rights. At Adams, Luka, & Benton we provide outstanding legal guidance and support for spouses who are dissolving a marriage, whether you are considering filing, have already filed, or have been served divorce papers.
How Long does it Take to Obtain a Divorce in Florida?The length of time it takes for a divorce to become final in Florida depends on many factors. For an uncontested divorce in which both spouses can agree on all of the issues and no children are involved, it may take only about three months. In other cases where there are issues such as child custody, spousal support, division of assets and debts, visitation, real estate or investments, etc. the divorce process can be long and arduous. Each case is unique; when spouses cannot resolve certain issues, it is highly recommended you work with a divorce attorney who can answer your questions, provide guidance, explain options such as mediation, and provide legal support should it become necessary to have your differences settled at trial.
Why Hire a Daytona Beach Divorce Attorney?It is especially important to work with a lawyer when reaching agreement regarding all of the various issues seems impossible, or there are substantial assets/investments involved. We will provide legal advice and counsel, enlighten you regarding various laws in Florida, protect your legal rights, and work to obtain the outcome you desire. Many spouses argue over child visitation, support, alimony, even who will get the living room furniture or other property obtained during the marriage. There are literally dozens of matters that may need to be resolved through mediation, or through the court. While most spouses hope they can split and go their separate ways amicably, this is not always possible. Divorce can get ugly, however we hope to help you end your marriage in the most seamless manner possible. This is especially important when children are involved.
Contact Adams, Luka, & Benton TodayPerhaps you are a parent who is concerned the custodial parent will relocate to another city or state; maybe you worry about how you will support yourself and your children following a divorce. You likely have many questions, and your emotions run the gamut from anger and depression to feeling hurt or overwhelmed. We understand, and we can help. When you need a divorce lawyer you can trust to work toward the best possible result, count on Adams, Luka, & Benton. Contact us for a free consultation at 407-872-0303.