Stepparent Adoption

As a stepparent, you may have developed a strong parental bond with your spouse's child or children. Considering the high rate of divorce today and the number of remarriages involving young children, it is no surprise that many stepparents desire to adopt their stepchildren. Through adoption, a stepparent takes over the role of the child's legal guardian, with the biological mother/father giving up all legal rights. This is a huge decision which should be carefully thought out before any legal action is taken. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, our stepparent adoption attorneys are committed to helping clients thoroughly understand your options, and the often involved and complex legal process.
Legal Guidance Throughout the ProcessIt is vital to speak with an experienced family law attorney when you are considering the adoption of your stepchild or children. For many stepparents who want to adopt a spouse's children, the biggest issue is having the legal rights of the other parent terminated; the non-custodial parent must either consent, fail to respond to a court order, or be deceased. If the non-custodial parent is not willing to give up his or her legal rights freely, it will become necessary for your attorney to make a compelling case to the judge regarding the possibility of adoption.
Contact Adams, Luka, & Benton TodayMany stepparents feel a natural bond with their stepchildren, and enjoy close, loving relationships. The only thing missing may be the fact that you know in your heart that the child/children are not legally yours. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, we make the process of adoption as easy and seamless as possible, providing the legal guidance and support you need to ensure the best possible results. Our passion is improving the lives of families, particularly where children are concerned. For unsurpassed legal counsel, call us now at 407-872-0303 or 352-357-4084.